Project Manager

The PC is supported in his leadership role by the Project Manager (PM), Athena Global, represented by Athena Global President Andrew Eddy.
He will be assisted in this role by Athena Global Director of Operations Christiane Maasburg. The PM will ensure the overall coordination of Work Packages and track the project schedule as well as project deliverables. The PM is responsible for the organization of project review meetings.

Based on the input from the Work Package leaders (WPLs), the PC or PM may recommend and request changes in the project plan (if necessary) to the Steering Committee, respond to any situations that may represent a threat to the project success, recommend the solutions for problem solving, identify measurable success indicators for all activities, and define the structure of deliverables and the preparation of final project reports.

Additionally, the direction and coordination of the operational activities within the project, which are essential for the project’s success, will be in charge of the PM.
This activity includes the management and coordination of work and information flow among different WPs and activities, as well as monitoring of the project’s progress with respect to project schedules in terms of milestones and deliverables. Operational management is also in charge of the organization of periodical project internal meetings, and the provisioning of the tools used for the project’s internal operations.