Steering Committee

The Steering Committee also includes the representatives of all partners. End users sit on the committee but do not vote. Observers may be invited to join in meetings as required or deemed appropriate. The SC defines the overall strategy of the project, revises the work plan, and suggests improvements when appropriate.
The SC is chaired by the Project Coordinator, and organised by the PM. The main responsibilities of the SC are:

  • Adopting strategic decisions on project management, to achieve consensus on project issues. The issues dealt with in the SC cover technical, financial, scientific planning and control matters as well as exploitation and dissemination.
. Assessment of the performance of the PC and PM and posing recommendations or prescriptions to improve the operative management. Supervision of the objectives to be met.
  • Discussing tactical questions if these have important influence on project’s success, and assessment of the performance of the work package leaders.

The decisions of the SC are generally taken by consensus, though if required can be by simple majority vote, with each partner having one vote. All decisions concerning funding (reallocation, decreasing or increasing budget) are taken with 2/3 majority vote of the partners. Majority principle is applied in order to maintain flexibility and promptness in adopting the decisions.
Between Steering Committee meetings, the PC and PM will confer as required to review the progress of work plan implementation, discuss emerging issues and make decisions.
The PC and PM will together:

  • Monitor the development of the work plan and assess its compliance with the expected scientific and technological goals and standards;
  • Ensure an appropriate level of communication is established between the WPs;
  • Review and assess the development and implementation of interactions among WPs;
  • Orient and, eventually, adjust the future phases of the work plan; draft/update initial drafts of the detailed work plan for next steps;
  • Recommend specific dissemination initiatives, and review their implementation.

List of the Members of the Steering Committee

  • For CIMA: Roberto Rudari (Chair)
  • For Athena Global Europe: Andrew Eddy
  • For DLR: Martin Huber
  • For UNISTRA: Hervé Yesou
  • For Deltares: Joost Beckers
  • For INGV: Stefano Salvi
  • For Acrotec s.r.l.: Lauro Rossi
  • For Altamira Information s.r.l.: Javier Duro
  • For EUCentre: Fabio Dell’Acqua
  • For NOA: Athanassios Ganas